Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the most common questions about Bicoption.

Bicoption offers cryptocurrency mining without having to buy any equipment. Instead of it you are buying mining hashpower from our industrial mining equipment supplier.

Bicoption was created to ensure the effective mining and to provide professionals and newcomers with an access to the same quality resources as the industrial miners possess. Our cooperation with the industry leaders and access to the newest and most advanced technologies in the industry, quickly made us one of the world‘s leading mining services.

All that is required from the user is to pay for the equipment and electricity. All work is carried out by the service administration and service partners. Work has long been organized and promask or overlap simply can not be. Our partners are the largest mining organizations in the Russian Federation, our suppliers have been in business for a long time.

As soon as we receive your payment, your equipment will appear in your personal account and will expect to install and pay for electricity. You will start to mine cryptocurrency continuously and permanently, and the amount of funds obtained will be displayed in your personal account and is ready for withdrawal to a bank card or bitcoin wallet at any time convenient for you.

Bicoption has been in development since 2017, but predicting a deep correction of Bitcoin and the main cryptocurrencies, we decided to wait out the fall. Then, in the second half of 2018, the price for one ASIC miner reached 5,200 USD. It soon became clear that with such prices, mining will very soon cease to be such a liquid business. We waited and worked for a whole year until finally the cryptocurrency market stabilized. Now mining cryptocurrency is still a super-profitable and very stable field, which is why we are entering this market with new forces and ideas.

When accumulating the amount of 0.005 BTC you can send a request for withdrawal of funds in your personal area. To do this, you need to specify the wallet address. After that, the mined coins will be sent to the specified address in the near future. Please note that the withdrawal of funds is carried out in semi-automatic mode due to the safety of your funds from the hands of intruders.

We do not charge a commission for adding funds to your balance. When you top up, you are credited exactly as much as you sent, minus the commission of the bitcoin network itself.

We have several commission levels depends on how much funds our users are about to withdraw.

  • Up to 0.05 BTC — 3%
  • From 0.01 to 0.05 — 5%
  • Under 0.01 — 7%

When we created Bicoption, first of all we tried to think about our customers and the safety of their funds.

As ALREADY has shown, the most stable and secure way to make money on cryptocurrencies is Bitcoin mining. We sincerely believe that the trend will continue, but the market is constantly undergoing changes and it is possible that this opinion will be revised by adding mining equipment for altcoins.

When we created Bicoption, first of all we tried to think about our customers and the safety of their funds.

As ALREADY has shown, the most stable and secure way to make money on cryptocurrencies is Bitcoin mining. We sincerely believe that the trend will continue, but the market is constantly undergoing changes and it is possible that this opinion will be revised by adding mining equipment for altcoins.

Of course, you can do it that way! However, then you will have to face a rather long list of additional "narrow" places, where both your profit and your initial possessions may be vulnerable, and nobody would like that. Here is a brief list of the main nuances that you need to keep in mind when you make an independent purchase, placement and maintenance of mining facilities:

- Self-purchase of equipment is not always easy and safe. First of all, you need to choose a retailer. Pay attention to the constituent documents of the retailer, if you make this operation. It would be much safer to make purchases from a trusted retailer with a 2+ year experience and a feedback base and regular customers.

- Often people have been slipped with used / miners or other models of miners. Before you pay for the equipment, carefully check the logs, as well as run your ASIK for at least 30 minutes, to make sure that it is able to consistently maintain the increased power. Also quite often, the suppliers, hoping for the client's illegibility, sell him another model of the miner. The differences between the same S9 (14.5) and S9i and S9 (13.5 TH / s) may not always be obvious, and an inexperienced user who, without noticing them, may find himself the owner of a knowingly unprofitable machine that has long been removed from the warranty.

Shipping cost + customs expenses + VAT + commissions outbid. All this will affect the future payback of the project. That's why cloud mining was chosen - everything is already included in the price.

We currently accept cryptocurrencies lilke BTC, ETH, BNB, and ADA. If you want to pay for fiat funds, we provide exchange services at the most current prices.

We make money by providing a website - service and turnkey services. No hidden fees or commissions. All our earnings are included in the cost of miners and electricity. Electricity fees include all costs associated with mining.

Payments for mining occur on a daily basis, but you will receive your payments only after they have been accumulated to a certain amount and after deducting the cost of electricity. Minimum payments for mining are set in order to avoid paying customers excessive fees for receiving small amounts in their wallets, as well as to maintain a stable of service.

If you were an individual miner there would be always a possibility that your mining hardware could crash, slow down or completely break. Using our platform you will never face any issues like these.

Mining starts automatically at 00:00 UTC. Mined coins are credited automatically to the customer's balance once a day for the previous mining day.

The “Buy Using Balance" function allows you to buy additional mining hashpower, using the mined coins that you have on your balance.

Once you click on “Buy Using Balance” button, the order for the maximum allowed contract volume will be placed automatically.